Prophetic Activations 101


Well before I ever embarked on the journey of fanning the gift of prophecy to life, I had read several books on the prophetic and concluded that this was in fact my tribe. The pull was too strong to ignore. In reading the incredibly helpful literature available, I came across the term prophetic activation. As Apostle John Eckhardt puts it “To activate something is to start it off, trigger it or set it in motion. Prophetic activations are spiritual exercises that use words, actions, phrases, objects, Scripture verses, worship songs and dance, prophetic prayers and more to trigger the prophetic gifts. Activations help believers in every area of life and ministry to flow freely as they are commissioned to release God's Word in the earth. They set in motion prophetic utterances, songs and movement that bring great blessing to the members of local churches, ministries and the world.”

So what do activations look like? In a bid to be helpful, particularly for those that have never been part of such sessions, I have included ten activations below. The first five you can work through alone, while the next five will require you to partner up with a trusted friend. Activations should be simple and fun but equally, they are designed to stretch and challenge you to flow in ways you wouldn’t normally do. For example, for one who often sees images or pictures, a ten-minute nabhi (flow) activation may pose quite a challenge as they learn to speak by faith without necessarily seeing anything. Similarly, for one who is a nabhi, activating them in the realm of seeing is quite something!  In general, activations are always better when practised with others, for the simple reason that your activation partner can provide confirmation of the word. If it hits the mark, they will share it and if it does not, they will very kindly and lovingly tell you that it does not resonate.

An important tip to bear in mind: God will only take you as seriously as the pen and paper you bring into the room. In the much-quoted words of Habakkuk 2: 2, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.

Prophetic activation is a journey so please do not be discouraged! You will not get it right every single time.  Enjoy!

Solo Activations

Activation 1

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal one thing He is doing in your life in the next 24 hours. Write down whatever God shows you.

Over the next 24 hours, watch and see how the Lord confirms what He is doing in your life.

Activation 2

I have a location in mind. The coordinates are as follows:

51.5055° N, 0.0754° W

Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you where in the world this place is. Describe:

—    What country or city it’s in

—     What it looks like

—     How it feels

—     Any objects or anything else you can see

—     How you feel /the sense you get

Once you’ve jotted everything down, enter the coordinates in Google Images and check whether what you wrote down matches the images.

Activation 3

Look at a picture of a friend. Set a timer for ten minutes. Then prophesy out loud to the picture of that person for 10 minutes.

Use as many descriptive words as you can. Stretch yourself and let your prophetic gifting grow.

To take this one step further, you can call your friend and ask if any of what you said resonates.

Activation 4

Grab a piece of paper or notes on your phone.  At the top, write the name of your city or town.

Then write this for your first sentence :  The Lord says to the region of …………….. (Fill in the blank).

Pray in the spirit for three minutes and think about the love God has for that region. Write down everything you receive for 10 minutes.

Speak the prophetic word you received. Share the written prophecy with trusted friends or family or save a note on your phone. You will refer to it one day.

Activation 5

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you a friend’s favourite colour. Call your friend and casually ask them if that’s the case. Some people do get this right!

Paired Activations

Activation 6

Ask your partner to grab some fruits and place them in front of them. Obviously, you must not see them!

Without knowing anything else, ask the Holy Spirit to tell you:

—    What are these fruits?

—    How many are they?

Activation 7

Ask your partner the to pick someone in their life that you don’t know. Ask them to show you a picture of the person, then ask God to give you a word for that person.

Begin to prophesy over that person in the presence of your partner. Let your partner listen to your prophecy.

When you’re done, ask them to tell you if what you said was true about that person. Since your partner knows the person and you don’t, they may be able to confirm some things for you. This will help build your confidence.

Activation 8

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you your partner’s favourite place to speak to God.

Describe :

—    What your partner is doing 

—    How they like to speak to our Father. What do they do? (For example are they sitting or standing, are they holding anything or saying anything specific etc)

Activation 9

Look at your activation partner and ask the Lord to give you a precise word for them. Ask the Holy Spirit to include a word of knowledge.

Set a timer for five minutes. Then prophesy out loud to that person for 5 minutes.

Use as many descriptive words as you can. Stretch yourself and let your prophetic gifting grow.

Activation 10

Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you:

—     What He is teaching your partner about right now

—     What Book (s) of the Bible is He using to teach them?

—    What Bible characters He is using to teach your partner?

—     Is your partner understanding the teaching or responding to the instructions God has given them?

Stay blessed!


Finding my tribe


Prophetic Parameters