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Maria Akinyi Books

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Uncover the secrets to a fulfilling Christian journey with Maria Akinyi's inspiring reads. Here is my collection of books. 

Baby Prophet

An A to Z Journey to Activating the Gift of Prophecy

Baby Prophet is a must-read for anyone curious about the prophetic or seeking to activate the gift of prophecy. Written from the perspective of a fresh-faced prophet going through a rigorous year of prophetic school, the book chronicles the journey of activating the gift of prophecy from A to Z. The author shares personal experiences, anecdotes, highs and pitfalls to avoid while awakening and stirring to life the gift of God. If you have ever wondered whether you are prophetic, suspect that you may have the gift or have questions about how prophets begin to prophesy, this practical guide is for you!

31 Prayers for My Future Husband

Securing the Heart of My God-Ordained King

31 Prayers for My Future Husband is a woman's devotional; a heartfelt petition before God for a Godly husband. Too many women are sacrificing their marital destinies on the altar of fatigue. Yet scripture says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Many women also do not know what to pray or even how to pray for their future husbands. It is possible to wage a good war and carry your evidence. But you must operate from a place of divine strategy, understanding and knowledge.

The Christian Woman's Guide

To Prepare for & Attract Mr Right

This book is a practical guide to equip any single woman as she prayerfully prepares for the man God has in store for her. The waiting season can be an incredibly painful and frustrating time in a woman’s life if not handled with care. Many women feel stuck and forgotten, unsure what to do and how best to use this time. Others flood their pillows with tears every night, wondering why they have not met their husbands. Yet the wait is a season to be treasured like no other.