Building a library


There came a point in time when I realised within myself that I was going to have to take a great big leap of faith into the unknown realm of the prophetic. That moment arrived at the point when I believed I had received confirmation from God that I was indeed called to this area and He had began to show me how He wished to use me in this sphere. For any would-be prophet out there that’s full of questions, fear not - you will never get to a place where you have 100% confirmation. James 2:22, which the Lord gave me in a dream one day, speaks to this truth.

“You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.”

Now I’m no theologian so I cannot speak to the deep revelatory meaning of this scripture. But I will tell you what it meant to me and what I did with it! It meant, girl - get up and act fast! And so I did. I decided to step out in faith and educate myself. It really felt to me like I had watched all the YouTube videos I could in my search for answers, yet despite this I was none the wiser and even hungrier for more. What frustrated me to no end was the fact I couldn’t seem to find a detailed account of the journey into activation - having suspected they were prophetic and perhaps even come to terms with the fact that they had this gift, how were these wonderful men and women of God activated so they could prophesy? What was the journey like? How did they evolve and become confident in their calling? Perhaps I didn’t look hard enough but you get the gist right? So many questions and not enough answers. So off I went to Amazon one morning in search of some detailed literature to guide me in this area.

Boy did I find the books! Volumes upon volumes of great books by reputable prophets each having their own unique voice. I filled my shopping trolley with a few highly recommended ones which I’ll list below:

Bill Hamon - Prophets and the prophetic movement; God’s prophetic move today Bill Hamon - Prophets and personal prophecy ; God’s prophetic voice today Tomi Arayomi - Eat Sleep Prophesy Repeat Emma Stark - The prophetic warrior Jennifer Leclaire - The making of a prophet Jermaine and Rebecca Francis - Activating the gift of prophecy

I recall looking for a few books by Dutch Sheets and picking up ‘Intercessory Prayer’ and ‘The pleasure of His Company.’ Whilst I longed to read a few works by Chuck Pierce, having watched Him in his element I realised I was worlds away from being able to process information from him in the way that I needed to. This I shall possibly revisit another day.

Anyway so here I was happily anticipating the arrival of my books, positively giddy with excitement at the thought I would soon be uncovering hidden mysteries. In typical Amazon fashion, the books arrived promptly as promised. And what did I do? I unwrapped the box in the safety of my room, quickly perused through each and then just as quickly stuffed them back in the box and hid it somewhere at the back of my wardrobe. Lol! I genuinely did hide it and piled some duvets and sheets on top of it for good measure. My sister was living with me at the time and I was petrified she would discover what I was reading. I really don’t know why I was so nervous - probably because I wanted to avoid any embarrassment that would follow if it turned out I had gone on a wild goose chase for a spiritual gift that was not in fact mine to have ! On top of that, one of my good friends was a devout Christian, very mature in his walk with Christ. I didn’t want him stumbling across my literature one day and asking me what was going on.

So I hid the books. And every weekend when I was home alone, I would sneak one out of the wardrobe and read through it as fast as I could, eyes going wide as saucers as the chapters resonated with me. Of course being new to this, some content hit home whilst other subjects I didn’t quite grasp. No matter! As I read page after page I realised very quickly this was simply giving me a foundation and I would refer to these texts in years to come.

Thus I began to build my library on the prophetic. I am happy to announce that months down the line, the books now occupy prime position in my bedroom. Somehow God broke the yoke of fear off me and I now display them openly so I can read them anytime they catch my eye. I got to a place of understanding this is a journey. There is no shame or embarrassment in desiring the gift of prophecy and whether people know it or not doesn’t make a difference. What matters most is the posture of your heart. In my humble opinion, my desire is for the right reasons and as long as I’ve made peace with that - I am good! And so should you be.

I hope this inspires you to go out and get some good books. I leave you with the words in 2 Timothy 2 :15

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”


The Hanging Scroll


Poker Face