Salvation prayer


Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [John 14 :6 NIV]

The Bible cautions us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, for no fruitful partnership has righteousness with lawlessness, and no fellowship has light with darkness. We must be in agreement and of one mind if our Kingdom unions are to work. This then begs the question, what if I’m attracted to a man who is an unbeliever? What should I do? Is it possible that I can influence him positively and lead him into salvation? Permit me to recount a tale as narrated by our beloved Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo, AKA pastor M. Giving a sermon one day, she recalled advising a young lady not to go ahead and marry the man she was leaning towards, primarily on the grounds that he was an unbeliever. In exasperation, pastor M narrated how she often warns young ladies as she can see the red flags well ahead of time (to quote mama in pidgin English, “you are in love so your eyes are not clear, but our eyes be very clear. We de see say this road where you dey go, road no dey there!) Her everlasting frustration resides not only in the fact that these women don’t listen to her and go ahead to marry quite poorly anyway, it is the fact that some of them turn around and say to her “pastor M, I am sent to him!” Our woman of God rightly asks “my sister, are you a deliverer?“ You can catch that amazing message here - How to fight like a woman.

Whilst we must of course heed this advice and yoke ourselves to believers, it would be a travesty to assume that an unbeliever is not also a child of God. It would be wrong to assume that he too will not one day come to the knowledge of our amazing Father in heaven and His amazing Kingdom. Jesus loves us all, the Bible tells us so. The same Bible tells us in countless scriptures of the love God has for humanity, His very own creation. No matter how many times we fall, God in His infinite love and mercy is always calling us to a higher place and relationship with Him, always watching over and protecting us. Think about it, we too were not always born again Christians! We didn’t shoot straight out of the womb speaking in tongues and blasting scripture! We too had to come to that place of revelation, understanding and acceptance that Jesus is indeed the only way. How did we arrive there? Through the heavenly orchestration of God alone, by the intentional operation of the divine triune - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit who convicted us in our hearts that God is indeed very real.

So my dear sisters, there is a process and a timing to this thing. We are not ourselves tasked as deliverers and we are not all called as evangelists. Even if you ARE an evangelist, you are not called to everyone! Stick to your sphere of influence, you will only wield true authority in the area to which God has called you. That’s not to say that we cannot by our behaviour shine like a light and present a positive image of the Kingdom. No doubt this will influence those around us, but we must be clear on our assignments and be faithful to that which God has given us.

Just in case your future husband is not yet born again, you must begin to pray a very strategic prayer that will speed up the process of him coming into the Kingdom of God. Knowledge is indeed power. For anyone in this situation, I ask the Lord that the short prayer below will accomplish the purpose for which it is said, even as you speak the words.

Let us pray.


My dear heavenly Father,

Yeshua Hamashiach , Jesus the Messiah

I approach your glorious throne today with a prayer for salvation upon my lips. It is said in the book of Jeremiah that you know the plans you have for us, plans to prosper and not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future. I know that your plans for me are too numerous to count, and among those many plans is one for future settlement in my marital home.

Father I may not know the man you have ordained for me, you may not have revealed him to me just yet, but I am confident that you will do so in the fullness of time. I may not know today whether he is already a born again Christian, enlightened in the things of God, living a righteous life and doing great exploits for your kingdom. Just in case he isn’t Lord, today I say this prayer for him.

Your word says in John 6 : 44 that no one can come to Jesus unless the Father who sent Jesus draws him. Today then I ask Lord that you may draw my husband closer to you. I ask that you send your Holy spirit to hover strongly over him Father, that he may begin to experience an inexplicable pull and curiosity towards you and the things of God.

Father I pray that the angels assigned over his life take charge, and bring to pass with divine speed the connections he needs in order to bring him into the knowledge of your glory. Whether those connections be on social media, the written word, television shows, in the streets - I place no limit on your greatness Lord, mine is only to ask that you may activate his senses. Activate his eyes that he may see, his ears that he may hear, his mind that he may understand, his heart that he may receive your light. I ask that all of a sudden everywhere he looks he will see you!

Father you are a highly strategic God, the master orchestrator of all things good. I pray that you create a situation in which he will have no choice but to seek your face Lord, and that in seeking your face he will seek the kingdom. Then shall all things be added unto him.

Lord your word says in Luke 10 : 2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Today therefore I ask you, Lord of the great harvest, my Father and my God, please send to my future husband the workers that will speak to his spirit. I pray that they locate him speedily, may he find and vibe with his tribe. As he does so Lord, I pray that you create in him a hunger and a passion for your Kingdom. Consecrate him unto yourself oh Father, remove him from the things of the world so that you may teach him your ways, and teach him well. I ask that you ignite in him a fire to burn brightly for the sake of the Kingdom.

I pray that he may experience divine speed and acceleration into the knowledge of the things of God. I pray that as he seeks his purpose, he will come into the understanding of who you are. Above all I pray for the salvation of his beautiful soul; may this happen long before we ever meet. May he have stepped fully into the things of God, may he be maturing in the things of the spirit, may he be in sync with you Holy Spirit and in doing so he will be able to lead, and lead our home well.

I seal this prayer with the blood of Jesus and I decree and declare that it is done!

For it is in Jesus mighty name I pray and believe,



Scarlet Woman


Holy Communion